
Grace has a passion for helping others realize that they have the ability to be joyful leaders in their professional and personal lives.

She became a joyful leader when she discovered the writings of John Maxwell and Ken Blanchard.  She applied what she learned from reading their books and from her personal visits with them to her personal and professional life.

John Maxwell helped her to learn that leadership is influence...nothing more nothing less. And that your level of influence has much more impact on your success in your life than your job title!

Ken Blanchard helped  her to understand that  being a leader and having a positive impact on others can be fun and uncomplicated!

But her most important teachers were her  parents  who modeled for her the importance of being a servant leader to others. She saw first hand the positive impact  they had  on so many.

As a result she now is determined to help others become joyful leaders by helping them to develop the skills to be a more  productive leaders in their personal and professional lives and to “Lead with Grace”

She accomplishes this through interactive programs that engage her participants (students, volunteers or corporate America) in active learning.

Grace believes that we all learn best while we are having fun and we all work together much better when we “Lead With Grace”!

Background Information

Grace  has worked for the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture for over 29 years.  She served as a County Extension Agent for 4-H in Shelby and Fayette Counties, as the Assistant Director for Agriculture Alumni and Development and as the Assistant Director for the Center for Leadership Development.  She is retired from UK but continues to  teach a Leadership Studies class to undergraduates at UK . She started Lead With Grace in 2008 to be able to offer her leadership training programs to a wider audience and assist in coordinating leadership conferences.

Grace’s undergraduate degree is from the University of Kentucky in the area of Management and Family Economics.  She received her Masters from North Carolina State in Adult and Community College Education with a minor in Public Administration.